    a thousand lives  
    Welcome to  English IV. My name is Danielle Wallace, and I am looking forward to teaming up with students and parents to make this school year successful for everyone. 
    I teach 12th graders, and this is a group that I truly enjoy working with in the classroom. This is an important year as senior (and their parents) make transitions from high school to post-high school plans. Communication is key! Please email me, conference with me, call me, or just visit me to discuss any concerns.
    Updated on March 25, 2020
    My email is dwallace@cisd.org. I check my email regularly throughout the day. Please contact me by email if you have any questions. 
    English IV students in my classes use the Canvas LMS for assignments. Use your username and password. You do not have to use @student.cisd.org to login. Here is the link to my courses on Canvas:


    If this link does not appear go to--cisd.Helloid.com


    Dual Credit English (ENGL.1301.DC) for Navarro College will be available on Canvas.
    I am looking forward to this year! 
     Room E208
    Tutorial Schedule
    Mornings: 8:00-8:25
    PM - by appointment