• Mrs. Raquel Rivera
    Mrs. Rivera  
    4th Grade - Science & Social Studies
    Salón/ Room P14B
    Teléfono/ phone: (903) 874-6971
    Email: rrivera@cisd.org
    Conference time: 9:00 to 9:45 Monday - Thursday


    Información Importante

    During our distance learning, please feel free to reach out to me during the designated time to assist you with any technology or lesson questions you may have while at home. 

    Durante este tiempo de aprendizaje no dude en comunicarse conmigo con cualquier pregunta sobre tecnología o lección. 


    Office Hours/Horas de oficina: 10am - 11am and 4pm-5pm; if you need help after office hours please still reach out and I will respond ASAP. Si necesita comunicarse conmigo despues de horas porfavor mande mensaje y me comunicaré en cuanto pueda. 

    You can reach me by:

    *email: rrivera@cisd.org

    *On ClassDojo 

    *Remind (cell phone) Send a text to 81010 with the message @samhous4

    Mande un mensaje de texto al numero 81010 con el mensaje @samhous4

    Me siento inmensamente emocionada por comenzar este año escolar. Mi meta es tener una buena comunicación con los padres de mis alumnos. Quiero que cada uno de ustedes se sienta tranquilo de saber que su hijo/a se queda en un ambiente donde pueden equivocarse y aprender de sus experiencias. Mi lema siempre a sido: "Trata a tus alumnos como quieres que traten a tus hijos."
    Estoy convencida de que tendremos un excelente año lleno de entusiasmo, entrega y éxito.
    I feel immensely excited about this new school year. My goal is to have a great communication with my students' parents. I want each one of you to feel relaxed knowing that your child is in an environment where he/she can make mistakes and learn from their experience. My motto has always been: " Treat your students how you would like your own child to be treated."
     I am convinced that we will have an excellent year full of enthusiasm, commitment and success.
    A person who never make a mistake never tried anything new.
     - Albert Einstein 
    • Associates of Arts in Teaching EC-12
    • BS with a Major in Interdisciplinary studies EC-6
    • Minor in Bilingual Education EC-6
    • Graduated with honors – Cum Laude
    Work experience:
    • 5 years as ESL, Math, Science, RTI, LPAC Support in Arlington, Texas.
    • 2 years as inclusion Paraprofessional at Navarro Elementary.
    • 2 years as K-5th grade interventionist support

    Favor Drink:
    • Coke and Cherry Limeade
    • Coffee
    • Family time is my favorite hobby. I LOVE to relax and watch movies with them in the quietness of my house.
    Interesting Facts:
    • I love the country life, it relaxes me.
    • I am from Mexico
    • Have one child, she’s 23 years old.
    • Moved from Arlington 9 years ago, because I just love it here.
    • Volunteer at my child’s school before starting in education
    • Arlington ISD called me to go back, but I just can’t deal with the city life.