• Coach Thompson's Class COVID-19 

    With the uncerain amount of time we could be out of school this is a great place to get information for IPC classes.  I know that it is a time of worry and concern for many, but know we will get through this!! Please fill free to contact me through email: dthompson@cisd.org


    Join my remind, it will be a great place for us to stay connected



    or, Just Text

    @hdbc93f to the number 81010


    Please email or send a remind message anytime.  I will have "office hours" of 10am to 11 am and 2 pm to 3 pm daily, during this time you should expect a quick response to any questions you may have.


    I will post assignments in CANVAS for you to work on.  We have three units remaining, hopefully we will be back in school soon to finish out the year!





    Looking forward to see you all soon!