
    susanne capehart

    Please feel free to email or call me with any questions or concerns, my contact information will be found below.  I will be checking my email throughout the day and responding to them as soon as possible.  I will also be available for guidance in lessons during the offie hours listed below.


    Office Hours:

    M W F


    T TH

    12 pm-2pm


    Helpful Resources:


    Edgenuity Login:



    Distant Learning Resources:

    CISD Enrichment Activities (Distant Learning)



    Special Education Resources:



    Canvas Login:



    Contact Information:

    Homebound Teacher

    Email: scapehart@cisd.org

    Cell Phone: (432) 978-7477



    pooh bear

     “Leave footprints of love and kindness on every step on your journey.”

    ~A.A. Milne~