
    Welcome to ESL - Mrs. Johnson 

    Email: anjohnson@cisd.org
    Office hours: 10am-1pm

    Hey guys!

    All of your assignments will be found in Canvas. Directions to login are below!

    Miss you all!

    ¡Hola, chicos!
    Todas las tareas se encuentran en Canvas.¡Las instrucciones para iniciar sesión están a continuación!
    ¡Te echo de menos a todos!
    Click the image below to access HelloID.
    Choose "AD- cisd.local"
    Login with your normal school username & password.
    username- johnsamy000
    password- lunch #
    Once logged in, you'll be able to view Canvas.
    All of your courses will be there with assignments. 

    Click the image below to login! 

    Links Tab:
    resources you can use for extended learning opportunities
    Need Something to Read Tab:
    websites with magazines, articles, and books to read

