Business Services
Business Services
Welcome to the Business Office web page. We hope the information available will benefit all CISD employees. The purpose of the Business Office is to assist the process of teaching and learning. Our goal is to provide assistance as efficiently and accurately as possible to all who are involved in the educational process for CISD. Our job is to ensure that state and federal laws are understood and followed, as well as policies required by the local school board and the Texas Education Agency. We have prepared a manual that has information on all aspects of business that is conducted in our office. The manual is called Business Office Procedures Manual. Also, there is a link to the TEA Resource Guide (FASRG) that contains information regarding account codes. It is our hope that having this resource available will be a benefit to all. Please call our office at any time if there is a question or concern.
Business Department FormsPayroll Forms/Information
- 2023-2024 Pay Dates
- Benefit Change Form
- Change of Address Form
- Direct Deposit Form
- Employee Payroll Portal Instructions
- Name Change Request
- Supplemental Payments to Employees for Services
- W-4
- Payroll Budget Account Change
Business Forms
- Activity Fund Club Charter
- Business Card Order Form
- Budget Amendment Request
- Cash Collections List
- Cash Talley Sheet
- Consultant Services
- Purchase Order/Check Request
- First Report of Injury
- Notification/Permission Request for Collection of Money
- Quotation Tabulation
- Request for Acceptance of Gifts
- Tax Exempt Form
- Vendor Form
- Meal Expense Advanced Funds Form
Travel Forms
Helpful Links
- Frontline - Absence Management
- Employee Access Portal for Payroll - Skyward Business (email)
- Legal Postings
- PTO Resources
- Public Notices
Business Office Procedures Manuals