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Follow the steps below to register your bus rider:

One: Students Riding Buses to and from School 

(Returning bus riders DO NOT need to register again)

Students must meet eligibility to ride the school bus. If you are requesting school bus services this school year, please complete the online Corsicana ISD Bus Transportation Form

Bus Transportation form

Two: Locate Your Bus Route

Locate your bus route through our InfoFinder System

Bus Route Description

Three: Register Student Name and ID

header that links to Smart Tag

The Corsicana ISD Transportation Department mandates SMART tag for bus riders. This new system will allow parents of student riders to interactively follow their child and receive notifications upon the child's boarding and leaving the bus. Parents must register their student's name and ID number on the parent system through SMART tag in order to receive notifications. First SMART tags are free, replacing lost SMART tags will be $10 each and parents will need to pick up new tags at the Transportation Department. 

Paren Letter (English)

Parent Letter (Spanish)

Four: Read the Bus Rules

Read the Bus Rules, fill out the acknowledgment form in the back, and return to your bus driver. Bus drivers will also hand these rules out.

Bus Rules

Five: Contact the transportation office if you need further assistance.

To ensure student safety, new transportation protocols limit seating on buses for each route.

If you move or relocate within the district, you must contact the campus that your child(ren) attends and the transportation department with your new address.

CISD Transportation Office: 903-602-8509

Contact Us

1561 N. 45th St.
Corsicana, T X 75110
(903) 872-4181


Monday-Friday, 5 a.m.-5 p.m.

Professional headshot of Shade Boulware

Shade Boulware
Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Operations

Tammy Milligan
Routing Coordinator

Jeromy Mink
Shop Foreman   

Field Trips

Internal Staff Only:

schedule a field trip

school bus driver greets students as they board

Want to drive a bus for CISD?

Apply Here