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District Motto

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More than a decade has passed since Corsicana ISD witnessed this much change. A new superintendent. Four new board members in three years. Six campuses with new principals this fall. It signals a new era, a chance to create a new identity and build upon the rich traditions of the blue and gold. It’s a chance to ... Dare to Be Different, or #DBD. The new district motto will also be its new hashtag on social media, #DareToBeDifferent, or #DBD. It’s a sign of new things to come for CISD.


CHS UIL group photo

Bolstered by a couple of firsts and a trio of second-place finishes, Corsicana High School’s UIL Academic team earned Top School in Speech and Debate at the recent China Spring Invitational meet. In all, 18 Tigers attended and placed in several events. 


El equipo Académico de la UIL de la Preparatoria Corsicana obtuvo el primer lugar en Oratoria y Debate en el reciente encuentro China Spring Invitational, reforzado por un par de primeros lugares y un trío de segundos lugares. En total, 18 Tigres asistieron y se colocaron en varios eventos. 

Read More about CHS UIL tops Speech and Debate and China Spring Invitational
Eugene Rogers

Former Tiger Eugene Rogers spearheaded his first Corsicana Tiger Football banquet Thursday and further strengthened his push to restore traditional values and outcomes to the program.


El ex Tigre Eugene Rogers encabezó su primer banquete de fútbol americano de los Tigres de Corsicana el jueves y fortaleció aún más su impulso para restaurar los valores y resultados tradicionales del programa.

Read More about Tiger football banquet honors 11 awards winners at banquet

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