• Please do not park in fire zones during arrival and dismissal times. Our goal is to keep arrival and dismissal as efficient as possible while we keep students safe within our building. Arrival & Dismissal procedures were updated during the 23-24 school year, and remain current for the 24-25 school year.


    Kinder-4th grade morning drop off areas will be in the designated area in the graphic below. If you have a Pre-K student with older siblings, please continue to use the main entrance at the front of the school.
    Our Kinder-4th drop off area will close at 7:30 AM. Any students that arrive after 7:30 AM will need to be dropped off at the front driveway.

    Students who are dropped off after 7:45 AM must be signed-in to the front office.


    We ask that a change in the method of transportation for your students be called into the front office before 2:30 PM and shared with your child's teacher via Class Dojo as well. Staff is unable to change a transportation method based on what a student tells us, the parent or guardian must be the one to make a transportation change. This can help with any confusion a last-minute change can cause for our staff, and to ensure the safety of all students. Parents, please refrain from early pickups between 2:30-3:15 PM unless it is an emergent need. Early-outs result in the loss of instructional minutes for your student.

    If you need to sign-out your child early, do so by 2:45 PM. A valid government issued ID is required for students to be released for the day. 

    We ask that all families utilize their car tags (walk-ups or car riders) as a method of safety and visual communication of who will be picking up your student. 


    Dismissal locations for the 2024-2025 school year are included in the graphics below. The blue boxes indicate where students will be released from at 3:20 PM. Siblings of Pre-K students will report to the gym to be with them. All Walk-Up students (PK/4-year-old -- 4th grade) will be taken to the area marked on the map for dismissal. Head Start (3-year-old) parents need to make contact with the Head Start director for information on walk-up procedures.


    Pre-K, Pre-K siblings, and Head Start will use South Benton Street to enter the horseshoe drive in front of the building. All parents must remain in their cars while in the pickup line. Once all students are secure in their car, drivers will exit the front driveway and use South Burnet Street.

    All Kindergarten through fourth 4th grade will need to form a line utilizing the middle street between the Red Bricks and come around to the bus ramp for pickup. Please do not enter the bus ramp until the buses leave.