- Corsicana ISD
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Corsicana ISD's Approach to Recover Learning Loss Safely
Corsicana ISD has received the allocated funding amount of federal funds appropriated to the State of Texas for public education purposes under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III (ESSER III) Fund. The intent of this grant is to provide education funding to address needs from the COVID-19 pandemic, support the safe reopening and operation of schools, and mitigate the amount of learning loss through enriched activities and targeted instruction.
Two plans were developed by gathering information from our required stakeholders for in-person instruction and continuity of service plans, and open meetings for use of funds plan. These plans are linked below and will be reviewed and revised (if necessary) every six months.
Corsicana ISD's Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan (English Version)
Corsicana ISD's Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan (Spanish Version)
Corsicana ISD's Uses of Funds Plan - Allocation Amounts (English Version)
Corsicana ISD's Uses of Funds Plan- Allocation Amounts (Spanish Version)
The district continues to seek public input and feedback for the planning and development of ESSER III funds.
ESSER III Survey (English Version)
ESSER III Survey (Spanish Version)
Information updated: July 2022
TEA has released the final allocation funding amounts to Texas school districts, and CISD's final allocation is $12,795,116.
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