

    Hi there! I am Ms. Riggin and I teach animal science and floral design!


    I know we are all worried about how things are right now, but we will get through it together!

    Your work for my classes can be found on canvas! You should be able to log on through your helloID through the school website.


    Here is a link to some canvas helpful hints if you get stuck.


    How this works:

    I will have an assignment on canvas each week. You can find it by selecting the MODULES Tab.

    If you somehow miss it, don't worry! All assignments will stay under the MODULES Tab!

    Don't stress over this and please let me know if you have ANY QUESTIONS! I am here to help! Stay safe y'all!!!


    Please feel free to email me at kriggin@cisd.org. I will have "office hours" 9-10:30am and 2:00-3:00pm

    Take care!